
The Moorpark Women’s Fortnightly Club has an annual Spring Luncheon as our main fundraiser. Each year we hope to raise enough money to fund high school and continuing education scholarships and to make donations to our libraries and schools. We also help our community and beyond through donations to the Food Pantry, Boys and Girls Club, Interface, My Stuff Bags, Unicef, Heifer International and more.

Tickets are $75 and there is a $3 processing fee, for a total of $78 per ticket when purchased online. If you prefer, you can purchase a ticket by mailing your check payable to the Moorpark Women’s Club to P.O. Box 432, Moorpark, CA  93020.  Please indicate if you would like your entree to be salmon, chicken or vegetarian for each person for whom you are buying a ticket.  Please also provide the name of each guest.

If you wish to proceed to buy a ticket online, please click on the button below. You will be asked to indicate your preferred entree before completing your purchase.  You will have the option of paying through PayPal or with credit card.

Meal Choice

Thank you so much for your support of the Moorpark Women’s Fortnightly Club!